Matthew Kazmierczak

Matthew Kazmierczak

Bio content provided by individual

Teacher Bio

Matthew Kazmierczak began his career as a contestant on season 9 of So You Think You Can Dance? After which he went on to tour with the show throughout the US and Canada. His career has since consisted of performing in a variety of TV shows including, How I Met Your Mother, Glee, and Dancing With The Stars. Awards shows such as The Emmys, The American Music Awards for Mariah Carey, and The Billboard Awards, more

Class Descriptions


Whether it’s contemporary with a jazz undertone, or more jazz based with a contemporary spin, there will be a consistent emphasis on attention to musicality. Trying to hear the song in a way that wasn’t necessarily first to the ear. Attempting to give a clear and sensible visual representation to the sounds within, and portraying, through movement, how the song was engineered to make you feel. Class will vary in tempo and tone, but somber or upbeat my hope is that you enter the space present and willing to share it, and leave proud of your efforts.


BDC offers more than 350 drop-in classes a week!
Walk-ins welcome. All levels and styles.


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  • Broadway Dance Center
  •   322 W 45th St • NYC, NY 10036
  • (general info)
  •   212-582-9304 (phone)
  • Children & Teens • Lincoln Center
  •   37 W65th St • NYC, NY 10023
  •   212-457-0035 (phone)